Hello! I'm Chris Coe.
I have over 25 years of professional design experience.
When I started out, the internet had scarcely been conceived and the must-have piece of equipment was the Apple Mac SE30. With its 9" monochrome screen, 80mb hard drive and 4mb RAM it opened up a whole new world to the Letraset and paste-up generation.
It goes without saying that technology has moved on exponentially since then. But
the fundamental needs of businesses and organisations to communicate clearly and effectively to the outside world have pretty much stayed the same.
Every enterprise, however large or small, has a story to tell. It's the story of who you are, what you do, and how you do it; of what you believe in and, crucially, what you believe your product or service will do for your customers or stakeholders. Every time you engage with your audience, whether through digital channels or printed media, it's an opportunity to retell your story and strengthen your message. So It's important to get it right, every time.
Over the last 25 years I've worked with businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes implementing creative designs that help to engage their audience and tell their story.
So if you have a story to tell why not call for a chat? Perhaps I can help you to tell it.
Some of the organisations I have worked with: